Atlantic Business Centre, Atlantic Street, Altrincham, WA14 5NQ
0161 973 5759

"A Helping Hand"
Questions & Answers about our DWP Appointeeship Service
What does an Appointee do and why would someone need one?
An Appointee has the responsibility to act in the best interest(s) of the person the person they represent by managing their welfare benefits and/or state pension to ensure everyday bills, spends and expenses are paid. The Appointee also has the responsibility to report any relevant changes in circumstances to the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) and/or the Pension Service (PS).
An Appointee is usually needed if a person is unable to manage their own finances. This may be due to a physical or mental health incapacity. The person being supported is usually incapable of claiming benefits, paying bills or managing the money they need.
Once appointed by the DWP, the Appointee may manage the person’s Welfare Benefit(s) and/or State Pension payments.
An Appointee may be required on a temporary or a permanent basis.
What is a Corporate Appointeeship?
A Corporate Appointeeship is a term used by the DWP when they authorise an Organisation such as the Finance Care Service to take on the legal responsibilities of receiving and managing a person’s Welfare Benefit(s)/State Pension.
A Corporate Appointees may be appropriate when no identifiable (or suitable) relatives or close friends can be approached.
Can a Social Worker’s care assessment recommend a Corporate Appointee?
Yes it can. The Social Worker should consider this aspect of care in light of the overall assessment and if the party is unable to manage finances, then an Appointee service should be referred.
Can an Appointeeship be transferred?
Yes and it is normally quite straightforward to do.
We can help Care Providers providing community or residential based services to vulnerable Adults who would like to remove the associated risks and conflicts of interest involved by arranging the transfer.
By transferring an existing Appointeeship in a planned fashion, Care Providers may streamline their operations especially at a time when costs focus and working efficiencies in business are paramount concerns. The Care Providers resources may then be fully concentrated on delivering care to the Adult with money management worries.
How do I make a referral?
We act as Appointee for Adults referred to us by Social Workers, Safeguarding Teams, Care Providers, Family Members, Charities and other organisations. The list is non-exhaustive.
To make a referral to us please click on the “Referral” button at the top of the page.
We can take referrals over the telephone, email, paper or via our electronic referral page.
How are Appointees Regulated?
Appointees are regulated by the DWP. The DWP is responsible for approving an Appointeeship application and assessing suitability. The DWP has the power to investigate and are able to revoke (remove) an Appointeeship should the need arise.
What happens if the Client/Party dies during the Appointeeship?
Should this situation arise then the Appointee should be notified as soon as possible.
The Appointee should then notify the DWP immediately.
Following notice of death, monies should not be paid out on behalf of the deceased and any accrued benefits (post death) will likely need be paid back to the DWP.
Any monies will be held for the Executor of the deceased’s will (normally) to deal with, if a will has been made. If there is no will and no family members, the monies will be held by the bank for a period of 6 years before being transferred to the Crown/State.
What are your opening times and days?
We are open for inbound contact between Monday to Friday during the hours of 10.00am to 5.00pm.
We are closed for Bank Holidays.